JAN 2020

As the clock winds down to the end of the year, we all find ourselves in the same situation. We made a bunch of New Year’s resolutions exactly one year ago, but it’s been so difficult to make any of them stick that it is downright ridiculous. We all want to improve and move forward in life, so why is it so hard to follow through with things that we know are good for us?

Luckily, going down this road every year, we’ve picked up a few tricks along the way for making, and more importantly keeping, some good New Year’ resolutions. There are some excellent but fairly simple resolutions you can make without being too ambitious and setting yourself up for failure, so we want to share with you a few ideas that can give you a good starting point and foundation.

1. Day to day routines can get way too serious and boring, so a good New Year’s resolution is to simply have more fun and laughter in your life. Needless to say, you should be responsible and take care of your obligations like a proper grownup, but you should also have enough fun along the way to make the whole journey worthwhile. A great way to cut through the mundane and have some fun is to play an escape room. Searching for clues to stop a zombie apocalypse while the clock is ticking down is exhilarating. Laughter guaranteed! 

2. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind that we tend to forget about those who have been with us from day one, so a great New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with your family. 

A good way to make sure that you don’t quit on your resolutions is to make them public. Share them with your family and let them support you and hold you accountable. Let them know you wish to spend more time with them. A unique and immersive activity you can surprise your family with is an escape room experience. Remember when you were little and your dad was your biggest hero? Well, saving the world from nuclear annihilation in our Bunker will let you bond with your loved ones in a setting where you can all be heroes! 

3. With practically everything being virtual nowadays, another good New Year’s resolution is to do more stuff with your bare hands. Instead of spending all your finger power on a keyboard and mouse, you can get your hands dirty tending to a garden, experiment with some delicious cooking, or get creative with some arts and crafts. Manual hands-on activities help you focus and be present in the moment, which is a surefire way to tap into joy and elevate your mood. Another great way to apply your fine motor skills are the intricate puzzles of our escape rooms. Put your hand-eye coordination to the test and get ready for that dopamine rush!

4. Living in a technological world of convenience seems to be dumbing us all down, so a great New Year’s resolution is to activate your brain in problem-solving activities. It can be anything from riddles and crossword puzzles to strategy games, but the key is to get your mental juices flowing and increase your so-called neuroplasticity, i.e. the elasticity of the neurons in your brain. As your neuroplasticity increases, you are able to see things from a new perspective, learn faster, memorize more, and you become much more resistant to anxiety and depression. If you want to immerse your mind in a more complex challenge than Sudoku, escape rooms are the way to go to give your brain a complete mental workout!

5. Many friendships tend to drift apart as we get older, so a fantastic New Year’s resolution can be to call your old, long time no see friends. Catching up with old friends can be rewarding, and depending on the age at which you met them, they remind you of who you once were and how far you have come. Childhood friends take us back to a time when we were full of imagination, innocent and carefree, while our high school and college friends can help us relive the crazy and magical memories of our teenage and early adulthood years. If you’re looking to do something more than just grab a drink at a bar, why not surprise them with an escape room? Solving puzzles together will spark that old feeling of alliance and have you laughing together like absolutely no time has passed!

6. Finally, in today’s hyperconnected world, one of the wisest and most useful New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time in offline activities. It often feels like we are one click away from an information overload, so taking the time to log-off for a bit can be super beneficial to our mental health. Reducing screen time opens up room for learning new skills and collecting different experiences that we simply couldn’t have while glued to a computer. If you feel like just chilling, go for a walk in the park, meditate, or go fishing. But if you want to go for the ultimate offline experience that will captivate your mind and body, come escape the entire world for one hour in one of our rooms!

Whether you choose to go with some of the above resolutions or come up with other ones of your own, keep in mind a few tips that will help you follow through. Keep it simple. Be realistic. Break your goals down into smaller steps. Plan a time-frame. Reward yourself when you hit a milestone. Be open to support. And of course, never give up!

Whatever resolutions you decide to go with, let us help you make them more achievable, memorable and engaging.

book game


As the clock winds down to the end of the year, we all find ourselves in the same situation. We made a bunch of New Year’s resolutions exactly one year ago, but it’s been so difficult to make any of them stick that it is downright ridiculous. We all want to improve and move forward in life, so why is it so hard to follow through with things that we know are good for us?

Luckily, going down this road every year, we’ve picked up a few tricks along the way for making, and more importantly keeping, some good New Year’ resolutions. There are some excellent but fairly simple resolutions you can make without being too ambitious and setting yourself up for failure, so we want to share with you a few ideas that can give you a good starting point and foundation.

1. Day to day routines can get way too serious and boring, so a good New Year’s resolution is to simply have more fun and laughter in your life. Needless to say, you should be responsible and take care of your obligations like a proper grownup, but you should also have enough fun along the way to make the whole journey worthwhile. A great way to cut through the mundane and have some fun is to play an escape room. Searching for clues to stop a zombie apocalypse while the clock is ticking down is exhilarating. Laughter guaranteed! 

2. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind that we tend to forget about those who have been with us from day one, so a great New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with your family. 

A good way to make sure that you don’t quit on your resolutions is to make them public. Share them with your family and let them support you and hold you accountable. Let them know you wish to spend more time with them. A unique and immersive activity you can surprise your family with is an escape room experience. Remember when you were little and your dad was your biggest hero? Well, saving the world from nuclear annihilation in our Bunker will let you bond with your loved ones in a setting where you can all be heroes! 

3. With practically everything being virtual nowadays, another good New Year’s resolution is to do more stuff with your bare hands. Instead of spending all your finger power on a keyboard and mouse, you can get your hands dirty tending to a garden, experiment with some delicious cooking, or get creative with some arts and crafts. Manual hands-on activities help you focus and be present in the moment, which is a surefire way to tap into joy and elevate your mood. Another great way to apply your fine motor skills are the intricate puzzles of our escape rooms. Put your hand-eye coordination to the test and get ready for that dopamine rush!

4. Living in a technological world of convenience seems to be dumbing us all down, so a great New Year’s resolution is to activate your brain in problem-solving activities. It can be anything from riddles and crossword puzzles to strategy games, but the key is to get your mental juices flowing and increase your so-called neuroplasticity, i.e. the elasticity of the neurons in your brain. As your neuroplasticity increases, you are able to see things from a new perspective, learn faster, memorize more, and you become much more resistant to anxiety and depression. If you want to immerse your mind in a more complex challenge than Sudoku, escape rooms are the way to go to give your brain a complete mental workout!

5. Many friendships tend to drift apart as we get older, so a fantastic New Year’s resolution can be to call your old, long time no see friends. Catching up with old friends can be rewarding, and depending on the age at which you met them, they remind you of who you once were and how far you have come. Childhood friends take us back to a time when we were full of imagination, innocent and carefree, while our high school and college friends can help us relive the crazy and magical memories of our teenage and early adulthood years. If you’re looking to do something more than just grab a drink at a bar, why not surprise them with an escape room? Solving puzzles together will spark that old feeling of alliance and have you laughing together like absolutely no time has passed!

6. Finally, in today’s hyperconnected world, one of the wisest and most useful New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time in offline activities. It often feels like we are one click away from an information overload, so taking the time to log-off for a bit can be super beneficial to our mental health. Reducing screen time opens up room for learning new skills and collecting different experiences that we simply couldn’t have while glued to a computer. If you feel like just chilling, go for a walk in the park, meditate, or go fishing. But if you want to go for the ultimate offline experience that will captivate your mind and body, come escape the entire world for one hour in one of our rooms!

Whether you choose to go with some of the above resolutions or come up with other ones of your own, keep in mind a few tips that will help you follow through. Keep it simple. Be realistic. Break your goals down into smaller steps. Plan a time-frame. Reward yourself when you hit a milestone. Be open to support. And of course, never give up!

Whatever resolutions you decide to go with, let us help you make them more achievable, memorable and engaging.

book game